new suppliers
New suppliers Smögen
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New suppliers Stockholm
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New suppliers Smögen
You can safely leave your catch to us
Every weekday morning around 08:00, the auction starts at Smögen. Because we cooperate with DFA and sell after Hvide Sande on the watch. As we now have a web-based auction, customers are spread out, not only over large parts of Sweden, but also in Europe. This means that you have great opportunities for good sales of your catch.
Where are you?
You are welcome with your catch even if you do not have a home port on Smögen. Good logistics means that we can auction off your goods regardless of whether you are fishing in Lake Vänern, on the east coast or have a little too far to Smögen to get here by sea.
Do you want any help?
Do you need more shrimp boxes, a new gas tube, nice labels or cleaning products? Maybe there is something else you need or would like help with? Talk to us, we can arrange most things.
Landing times
Remember that the latest landing time is at least one hour before the auction. This is especially important on holidays when staffing and transport options may be limited. Catch reporting is important and especially on shrimp.
Registration must be received by us at the latest
06:00 every morning on tel: +46 523 66 55 44 or via email:
Do you want to sell your catch through us? When, where can you land?
Smögens Fiskauktion is staffed Monday – Thursday between 05:00 – 13:30 and on Fridays between 06:00 – 12:00. During these times, you get help with, for example, unloading your catch, buying ice, salt, boxes or changing the gas tube. If you come ashore at a time when the fish hall is unmanned, it is possible to enter with a port code and unload the cargo yourself.
Contact us on tel. +46 523 – 66 55 44 for more information.
Ships that have a home port some distance from Smögen can be picked up at the auction. Our own refrigerated truck runs almost daily along the coast and picks up goods. We pick up at the following places, Hamburgsund, Fjällbacka and Resö.
Contact us for information about times on tel. +46 523–66 55 44.
Sorting and quality
All boxes must be marked with the ship’s name, date of capture, product and size. A total landing report must also be submitted. The staff at the auction makes an ocular assessment, so that the item is correctly classified. However, it is the supplier who is ultimately responsible for the quality of the product.
Is this the first time at Smögen?
Get in touch with the fish hall well in advance of the planned landing. Partly so that we can inform about rules and routines and so that we can register the correct information about you and your ship. It is especially important for new deliveries that we receive advance notice of the upcoming landing. In this way, we have time to prepare the buyers that your goods will be at the auction and you will have a greater opportunity for good sales.
New suppliers Stockholm
Stockholm Fish Auction currently has an auction two days a week. On Tuesdays the auction starts after Smögen, approx. 8.30, and on Thursday the auction starts at 07.00.
You can choose to leave the fish with us the day before the auction or auction day then before 05.30 or that we pick up with our own transport. Contact us for a suitable pick-up location.
We are phasing out cardboard boxes and used Styrofoam boxes. The boxes we use are green boxes from Pack and Sea. There is a return system on the drawers. There are two models of return boxes. The traditional fish box, 40 kilos, and the conical one which is also stackable. It is the conical that will become standard and then with a normal weight of 25 kg/box.
The boxes and pallets are where you leave the fish or at Stockholm’s Fish Auction. These drawers must be washed and cleaned. You who leave at our collection points contact the carrier or Stockholm’s Fish Auction if it is missing or needs to be refilled with pallets and boxes. You who leave yourself at Stockholm’s Fish Auction can pick up at the auction.
The fish has the same temperature as it is in the water and the season controls the need for the amount of ice to bring the temperature down to 0 degrees. The shelf life of the fish depends on how quickly it is cooled.
Put a layer of ice in the bottom of the box and there on the fish and then cover with ice. At least the head and gills should be covered with ice. Place the fish with the tail fin towards the middle of the box and the belly upwards. Then the decay begins in the spine and not in the abdomen, which increases the shelf life.
We provide ice for you who leave yourself and we refill with ice when we pack for the customer.
Same size in the same box. Try to get the same weight (25 or 30 kg) in as many boxes as possible and what does not fit will then be a residual box. It can be more or less than the others in the same fish size. If you mix different sizes, it will be a MIX box. Place Perch 1-2 kg at the bottom of the pallet and the rest on top.
Marking of the boxes. It must state your PN No., which lake, date of capture, which variety (MSC then only on pikeperch) and how many kilos are in the box. The marking is placed on the short side of the box, not over the barcode, and place all the markings on the same side on all boxes on the same pallet.
Should you have to mix two fishermen, different PN Nr, on the same pallet for transport to Stockholm’s Fish Auction, you must somehow make this clearly visible to us.
Remember to write that you have MCS, only applies to pike-perch, on the Landing Report!
Photograph the landing report and send to +46 708–148850.
The landing report is placed in a special place at the drop-off point and it is collected by the carrier and handed in at Stockholm’s Fish Auction. You who leave yourself put the landing report in the small basket mentioned “put the landing reports here”.